вторник, 2 декабря 2014 г.

Ссылки. Концепции в C++


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Концепция представляет собой термин, который описывает «именованный набор требований для типа. Понятия более удобный способ указать как, какие свойства ожидать от типа, и какие свойства имеет тип.

Существовал a proposal включить формальной спецификации понятий в C + +11, так что компилятор может проверить тип требований до экземпляра шаблона, и в свою очередь, может производить гораздо более разумным сообщения об ошибке в случае, если тип не выполняют шаблоном требования. Это предложение было сняты по различным причинам. Тем не менее, существуют неофициальные планирует добавить концепции будущего пересмотра языка С + +. 

Здесь' понятия имеют мало общего с вышеупомянутым предложением. Они относятся к неформальным именем требований, используемых в C + +03 и C + +11 для определения поведения и ожидаемых свойств для различных типов. 



"A concept is a term that describes a named set of requirements for a type. Concepts are a more convenient way to specify both what properties are expected from a type, and what properties a type has.
There is a proposal to include a formal specification of concepts into a future revision of C++. This proposal allows compilers to check type requirements before template instantiations, allowing much more sensible error messages when those types do not fulfill the template requirements. (This proposal replaces the original C++11 conceptsproposal, which was dropped for various reasons.)
Here concepts have little in common with the abovementioned proposal. They refer to informal named requirements, used in the C++03 and C++11 standards to define behavior and expected properties for various types."

Не удержусь. Процитирую МНОГО:



specifies that an object of the type can be default constructed
specifies that an object of the type can be constructed from rvalue
specifies that an object of the type can be constructed from lvalue
specifies that an object of the type can be assigned from rvalue
specifies that an object of the type can be assigned from lvalue
specifies that type has a destructor


Note, that the standard doesn't define named requirements or concepts with names specified in this subcategory.
These are type categories defined by the core language. They are included here as concepts only for consistency.
class with trivial copy, assignment and destructor
class with trivial constructors, assignment and destructor
non-virtual class containing only other StandardLayout members, all with the same access control
POD (Plain Old Data) structure, compatible with C struct


has a working operator== that is an equivalence relation
operator< is a strict weak ordering relation
can be swapped with an unqualified non-member function call swap()
an Iterator that dereferences to a Swappable type
pointer-like type supporting a null value
FunctionObject that for inputs with different values has a low probability of giving the same output
class type that contains allocation information
an object that can be called with the function call syntax
a type for which the invoke operation is defined
FunctionObject that returns a value convertible to bool for one argument without modifying it
FunctionObject that returns a value convertible to bool for two arguments without modifying them
BinaryPredicate that establishes an ordering relation


data structure that allows element access using iterators
container using bidirectional iterators
container using an allocator
container with elements stored linearly
container that stores elements by associating them to keys
container that stores elements stored in buckets by associating them to keys
Container element
element can be default-constructed in uninitialized storage
element can be copy-constructed in uninitialized storage
element can be move-constructed in uninitialized storage
element can be constructed in uninitialized storage
element can be destroyed using an allocator


general concept to access data within some data structure
iterator that can be used to read data
iterator that can be used to write data
iterator that can be used to read data multiple times
iterator that can be both incremented and decremented
iterator that can be advanced in constant time
iterator to contiguously-allocated elements

Stream I/O functions

a stream input function that doesn't skip whitespace and counts the processed characters
a stream input function that skips leading whitespace
a basic stream output function
a stream output function that sets failbit on errors and returns a reference to the stream

Random Number Generation

consumes a sequence of integers and produces a sequence of 32-bit unsigned values
returns uniformly distributed random unsigned integers
a deterministic UniformRandomNumberGenerator, defined by the seed
RandomNumberEngine that transforms the output of anotherRandomNumberEngine
returns random numbers distributed according to a given mathematical probability density function


provides exclusive ownership semantics for execution agents (i.e. threads)
adds attempted lock acquisition to BasicLockable
adds timed lock acquisition to Lockable
Lockable that protects against data races and sequentially consistent synchronization
TimedLockable that protects against data races and sequentially consistent synchronization
TimedMutex that supports shared ownership mode


describes a property of a type
describes a relationship between two types
modifies a property of a type
aggregates a duration, a time point, and a function to get the current time point
Clock that doesn't throw exceptions
defines types and functions for a character type
represents a position in a stream
represents an offset in a stream
bitset, integer, or enumeration
a type for which initialization is effectively equal to assignment
defines types and functions used by the regular expressions library
a type with constexpr constructor

-- по-моему - это стоит читать.

Ну и "о своём" - http://programmingmindstream.blogspot.ru/2014/11/property-c.html?showComment=1417552044613#c506596821685402090

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