... class procedure TArray.Copy<T>(const Source: array of T; var Destination: array of T; SourceIndex, DestIndex, Count: NativeInt); begin CheckArrays(Pointer(@Source[0]), Pointer(@Destination[0]), SourceIndex, Length(Source), DestIndex, Length(Destination), Count); if IsManagedType(T) then System.CopyArray(Pointer(@Destination[DestIndex]), Pointer(@Source[SourceIndex]), TypeInfo(T), Count) else System.Move(Pointer(@Source[SourceIndex])^, Pointer(@Destination[DestIndex])^, Count * SizeOf(T)); end; ... function TListHelper.GetElSize: Integer; begin Result := PDynArrayTypeInfo(PByte(FTypeInfo) + PDynArrayTypeInfo(FTypeInfo).name).elSize; end; function TListHelper.GetElType: Pointer; begin Result := PDynArrayTypeInfo(PByte(FTypeInfo) + PDynArrayTypeInfo(FTypeInfo).name).elType^; end; ... procedure TListHelper.InternalExchangeMRef(Index1, Index2: Integer; Kind: TTypeKind); begin case Kind of TTypeKind.tkUString: DoExchangeString(Index1, Index2); TTypeKind.tkInterface: DoExchangeInterface(Index1, Index2); TTypeKind.tkVariant: DoExchangeVariant(Index1, Index2); TTypeKind.tkDynArray: DoExchangeDynArray(Index1, Index2); {$IF Defined(AUTOREFCOUNT)} TTypeKind.tkClass: DoExchangeObject(Index1, Index2); {$ENDIF} {$IF not Defined(NEXTGEN)} TTypeKind.tkLString: DoExchangeAnsiString(Index1, Index2); TTypeKind.tkWString: DoExchangeWideString(Index1, Index2); {$ENDIF} end; end; ... procedure TListHelper.InternalExtractItemMRef(const Value; Kind: TTypeKind; out Item; Direction: Byte); begin case Kind of TTypeKind.tkUString: if Direction = Byte(TDirection.FromBeginning) then DoExtractItemFwdString(Value, Item) else DoExtractItemRevString(Value, Item); TTypeKind.tkInterface: if Direction = Byte(TDirection.FromBeginning) then DoExtractItemFwdInterface(Value, Item) else DoExtractItemRevInterface(Value, Item); {$IF not Defined(NEXTGEN)} TTypeKind.tkString: if Direction = Byte(TDirection.FromBeginning) then DoExtractItemFwdAnsiString(Value, Item) else DoExtractItemRevAnsiString(Value, Item); TTypeKind.tkWString: if Direction = Byte(TDirection.FromBeginning) then DoExtractItemFwdWideString(Value, Item) else DoExtractItemRevWideString(Value, Item); {$ENDIF} {$IF Defined(AUTOREFCOUNT)} TTypeKind.tkClass: if Direction = Byte(TDirection.FromBeginning) then DoExtractItemFwdObject(Value, Item) else DoExtractItemRevObject(Value, Item); {$ENDIF} end; end; ... procedure TListHelper.DoReverseMRef(Kind: TTypeKind); var b, e: Integer; begin b := 0; e := FCount - 1; while b < e do begin case Kind of TTypeKind.tkUString: DoExchangeStringInline(b, e); TTypeKind.tkInterface: DoExchangeInterfaceInline(b, e); TTypeKind.tkDynArray: DoExchangeDynArrayInline(b, e); TTypeKind.tkVariant: DoExchangeVariantInline(b, e); {$IF not Defined(NEXTGEN)} TTypeKind.tkLString: DoExchangeAnsiStringInline(b, e); TTypeKind.tkWString: DoExchangeWideStringInline(b, e); {$ENDIF} {$IF Defined(AUTOREFCOUNT)} TTypeKind.tkClass: DoExchangeObjectInline(b, e); {$ENDIF} end; Inc(b); Dec(e); end; end; ... function TList<T>.InternalCompare(const Left, Right): Integer; begin Result := FComparer.Compare(T(Left), T(Right)); end; procedure TList<T>.InternalNotify(const Item; Action: TCollectionNotification); begin Notify(T(Item), Action); end; function TList<T>.ItemValue(const Item: T): NativeInt; begin case SizeOf(T) of 1: Result := PByte(@Item)[0] shl 0; 2: Result := PByte(@Item)[0] shl 0 + PByte(@Item)[1] shl 8; 3: Result := PByte(@Item)[0] shl 0 + PByte(@Item)[1] shl 8 + PByte(@Item)[2] shl 16; {$IF SizeOf(Pointer) <= 4} 4: Result := PByte(@Item)[0] shl 0 + PByte(@Item)[1] shl 8 + PByte(@Item)[2] shl 16 + PByte(@Item)[3] shl 24; {$ELSE} 4: Result := PByte(@Item)[0] shl 0 + PByte(@Item)[1] shl 8 + PByte(@Item)[2] shl 16 + PByte(@Item)[3] shl 24; 5: Result := PByte(@Item)[0] shl 0 + PByte(@Item)[1] shl 8 + PByte(@Item)[2] shl 16 + PByte(@Item)[3] shl 24 + NativeInt(PByte(@Item)[4]) shl 32; 6: Result := PByte(@Item)[0] shl 0 + PByte(@Item)[1] shl 8 + PByte(@Item)[2] shl 16 + PByte(@Item)[3] shl 24 + NativeInt(PByte(@Item)[4]) shl 32 + NativeInt(PByte(@Item)[5]) shl 40; 7: Result := PByte(@Item)[0] shl 0 + PByte(@Item)[1] shl 8 + PByte(@Item)[2] shl 16 + PByte(@Item)[3] shl 24 + NativeInt(PByte(@Item)[4]) shl 32 + NativeInt(PByte(@Item)[5]) shl 40 + NativeInt(PByte(@Item)[6]) shl 48; else Result := PByte(@Item)[0] shl 0 + PByte(@Item)[1] shl 8 + PByte(@Item)[2] shl 16 + PByte(@Item)[3] shl 24 + NativeInt(PByte(@Item)[4]) shl 32 + NativeInt(PByte(@Item)[5]) shl 40 + NativeInt(PByte(@Item)[6]) shl 48 + NativeInt(PByte(@Item)[7]) shl 56; {$ENDIF} end; end; ...Жутко от подобного кода не становится? Мне - становится...
Куда там Степанову с его STL.
А ведь наверное можно было сделать по-человечески.
(+) Generic'и в Delphi и шаблоны в C++. Коротко. Напишу грубость
(+) Про "примеси", шаблоны и Generic'и
(+) Про "примеси", шаблоны и Generic'и №2
Хочется спросить - "ребята в каком веке мы живём"?
shl - это ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО нужно?
Особенно shl 0
Не понимаю...
Да и case SizeOf(T) of - доставляет...
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